Vehicle Status Help

Vehicle Status Help

The vehicle status page is a hub for all of your vehicle activity. Here you can see your different vehicles, statuses, recent snapshots and driver profiles.

Pulling Up Videos and Snapshots:

  1. First, log in to our platform at and click on the Status tab.

  2. This will show you all the vehicles in your fleet. From here, select the vehicle you want to view.

  3. A window will pop up. You have the option to view your vehicle's snapshots, HD video, live video, media history, trip history and event history.

Checking Your Vehicle's Last Location:

  1. Click on the address in the Last Location column. Vehicle Maps will automatically open up and pinpoint the last location. You can access vehicle trails, snapshots/videos and other features associated with the Maps interface.

Last Status of Vehicle:

This column shows the last registered event of your vehicle using color-coded indicators.

Below are different status types you will see:

Show the vehicle is turned off and currently parked

Shows vehicle has been idling for at least 120 seconds

Shows vehicle has been idling for more than 240 seconds

Shows the vehicle is in motion or has been off for less than 60 seconds

Shows the vehicle has not checked in for over 30 days

Last Snapshots:

  1. Click on any thumbnail in this column to view the full size images.

  2. You can save them to your computer by clicking the Download button in the lower-right hand corner.

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