How to View Live Video From Our Platform

How to View Live Video From Our Platform

The dash cam has two cameras, and they can be differentiated from each other in our platform as follows:
  1. Road Cam: road-facing lens placed to see the road.

  2. Driver Cam: in-cab lens placed to see the driver and cabin.

The use of the cloud allows the fleet manager to view the road and the cabin as the vehicle is in motion.

The road-facing lens streams up to 24 frames per second, and the in-cab lens streams at 15 frames per second.

Both of the cameras stream for 30 seconds, and then give you the option to continue live streaming.
To view live video, the dash cam must be online.

To View Live Video From Our Platform:

  1. First log in to to view your dashboard.

  2. Go to the Status tab.

  3. From there, you should see all the vehicles in your fleet. Select the vehicle you want to view.

  4. A pop-up window should appear. Click on the Live Video tab.

  5. On the right side, there will be the Road Cam and the Driver Cam. Select whichever you want to view.

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