Understand and Benefit from Driving Alerts

Understand and Benefit from Driving Alerts

Our dash cam is designed to monitor both the road and your behavior in-cab during your trips, in order to improve your driving. Based on what it observes, the dash cam will give alerts with visual and audio cues and can also send events to the cloud.

Events are a bundle of metadata and relevant media (video clips and images) that are sent to the cloud to be reviewed and analyzed by an administrator. These events are triggered by certain behaviors that are observed during the trip that might be dangerous.
  1. By default, distracted driving events are uploaded to the cloud only if you haven't changed your behavior once alerted

  2. Most events are immediately uploaded to the cloud when they happen.
The maximum length of event videos is around 10 seconds for a normal event. There is no limit for virtual events.
If there is a loss of cellular connection, up to 4 hours of GPS points and 1GB of event media are saved in the dash cam's internal memory. The amount of media that can be saved depends on the format and size of the SD card. When the connection is restored, this information is sent to the cloud and regular uploads continue.

Distracted Driving Alerts and Events:

These events are designed to help coach you into better driving habits. That is why the first alert you receive is only triggered in-cab. If your behavior continues, are will be alerted again and a video event will be created and sent to the cloud.
This functionality is configurable. Your company may have changed defaults, in which case events may be sent to the cloud in a different way than described here.

Distracted driving includes:

  1. Cell Phone Use

  1. Food and Drink

  1. Smoking

  1. Driver Unbelted

  1. General Distracted Driving

  1. Lens Obstruction

  1. Possible Fatigue

Alert Icons:

The icon changes depending on the type of the event. For risky driving events, the icon is a car:

In-cab events and icons:

In-cabin icon
In-cabin icon

Active camera


Cell Phone Use


Distracted Driving

Driver Unbelted

Food & Drink


Possible Accident

Possible Fatigue

Sharp Turn Left

Sharp Turn Right


Speed Limit


Risky Driving:

These events are configured to alert you and send the event to the cloud at the same time. These events are:

  1. Acceleration

  1. De-acceleration

  1. G-Sensor High

  1. G-Sensor Regular

  1. Lane Weaving

  1. Possible Accident

  1. Sharp Left Turn

  1. Sharp Right Turn

  1. Speed Limit

  1. Tailgating

  1. Vibration

How It Works:

The alerts and events use a technology called machine vision (MV) and AI, which helps you fix distracted driving as it happens. When your dash cam is online, data begins to be collected and analyzed to detect distracted driving and risky driving events.

Our MV+AI technology uses its lens as a sensor, which means that even if video recordings are turned off, distracted driving and risky driving events can still be detected. 
MV+AI technology is a driver aid only. Drivers should never wait for a warning before taking action to avoid an accident. This technology is designed to respect driver privacy and does not collect, store or use any biometric identifiers or biometric information to detect distracted driving behaviors.

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